multi media maven


Creating environment(s) to stimulate conversations between AgResearch and farmers requires innovative spatial design and an understanding of the science.  I spent a lot of time interviewing scientists to understand their research and then creatively decoded their science-speak to arrive at interactive and dynamic environments. 

Much play was made of providing extraordinary viewpoints on the mundane; huge three dimensional bugs were sculpted, oversized grass towered overhead, real grass was grown and then juxtaposed against technology.  Kinetic sculptures brought to life microscopic elements.  Hands-on exploration was encouraged using microscopic cameras; purpose built games and, of course, access to highly specialised research equipment.  One year the big hit was the zapper - a revitalisation of the electric loop wire game.  Many attempted and most were then suitably shocked.

Premier Stand Mystery Creek Fieldays 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

Best in Show 2010, Mystery Creek Fieldays
